Optimal nutritional status is the corner stone of health.
Eating a daily diet rich in fresh, nutritious whole foods, in their most natural form is essential for good health and longevity.
As attested by hippocrates more than 2000 years ago
“let food by thy medicine, and medicine be thy food’.
Without meeting all our nutritional needs our body cannot function properly.
A poor diet leads to hormonal dysfunction, oxidative stress, systemic inflammation, lowered immunity and a plethora of health conditions.
Nutritional medicine is a holistic modality. I look at the whole person and how every single body system and nutrient interact with each other.
The first step in your treatment plan is assessing your current diet with a mood, food and bowel movement diary.
This allows me to determine any nutrients that you may be lacking in, and any symptoms that may be related to your food intake. Pathology testing is also done to check the levels of some of the most important vitamins and minerals needed.
I then tailor a nutritional framework based on your current health goals, symptoms and genetics, ensuring that all macronutrients, micronutrients and phytonutrients levels are adequate for good health.
All of my nutritional plans are designed to be easy to follow, convenient, delicious, and most importantly make you feel a type of vibrancy and vitality you have never felt before.
I support clients in helping to change their mindset when it comes to food and eating, to start to look at food as a tool for optimal health, rather than for emotional comfort.
Nutritional medicine isn’t just restricted to diet modification and food.
I also utilise evidence based, researched nutritional supplements to top up any nutrient levels that may be lacking, and to address any nutritional deficiency related symptoms and health issues.
Is sneaky stress behind your health issues & symptoms?
Take my health assessment quiz and find out if sneaky stress is contributing to your poor gut health, low mood & libido, fatigue, imbalanced hormones, weight gain, anxiety & crappy sleep.
You will also get my free E-Guide on "Sneaky Stress". Learn all about sneaky stress, how it impacts digestion, hormones, sleep, weight, mood & more.
LEARN MORE →Longevity Body 4 Week Kickstart
A 4 week self paced program based on my Signature Framework that targets the 5 pillars of longevity & good health.
This program is designed to:
- Turn your body into a fat burning machine
- Heal your gut
- Help balance your hormones
- Lower stress & cortisol
- Improve insulin sensitivity and support healthy blood sugar balance
- Increase your energy
- Support healthy deep sleep
- Teach you a sustainble way of eating, you can follow the rest of your life
- Break free from that "all or nothing" mindset
Includes done for you meal plans, shopping lists, lifestyle and exercise.
It designed for healing the whole body. This program is perfect for those who need an easy to follow plan that is realistic and gets them results quickly.